Saturday 1 October 2016 ore 10:00 - 12:30

La Corsa di Miguel returns to MAXXI!

Palazzetto dello Sport, Piazza Apollodoro 10

A group training session ahead of the 2017 edition of the event dedicated to the Argentine desaparecido marathon runner

The Corsa di Miguel and MAXXI together again: for the second year the museum is hosting the preview of the even commemorating the poetry, the races and the thinking of the Argentine desaparecido marathon runner Miguel Sanchez. This is the beginning, with the possibility of entering, of a long process that will lead to the race on 29 January 2017. We shall be meeting at the Palazzetto dello Sport in Piazza Apollodoro for a 5 km group training run finishing in the museum piazza. There will then be an opportunity to visit the exhibition Pier Luigi Nervi. Architectures for sport.

From the Palazzetto to MAXXI with the intuition of Nervi

Miguel at school: there will be a meeting at 11.00 illustrating the Corsa di Miguel’s activities in schools of all types and levels.

For further information: