Tino Sehgal, Kiss, 2010.
Saturday 22 February 2020 ore 11:30 - 13:00

The Histories of Performance.The boundless body. From Marina Abramović to Tino Sehgal with Teresa Macri

Carlo Scarpa hall – € 5
four-event subscription – € 15

10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI cardholders writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it by the day before the event

Five authorial and informative lessons, to recount the evolution of a language that has been able to go through the last decades of with great creativity.

Over the last century, the body of the artist and their actions became central to live art practice, gradually finding their own lexicon within the performance vocabulary. Performance, which has established itself as a non-intermittent, tangible artistic expression of the reflections of conceptual art, has become, over time, the medium through which generations of artists have explored and experimented with the link between the performative dimension and the language of theatre, music, film, the body and nature.

The boundless body. From Marina Abramovic to Tino Sehgal
With Teresa Macrì

Performance is a radical aesthetic act of self-representation and self-analysis that establishes a link between the ego and the world through the metaphor of the body, representing the processes of historical and social change that influence a subjectivity under construction.
The first lesson dwells on the performative practices and modalities that have been taking shape since the 1970s through the research of Marina Abramović, Rebecca Horn, Vito Acconci, Matthew Barney, Francis Alÿs, Tino Seghal and others.