Sunday 26 March 2017 ore 12:00 - 19:30

European Alternatives. Terzo tempo / Overtime

Guido Reni Hall – admittance €5.00; free for myMAXXI cardholders (reservations for the first 10 places may be made in writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it by the day before the event, subject to availability).

A day of debate and reflection on Europe with artists, academics and activists at MAXXI.

Within the ambit of The Independent – the MAXXI research project opening doors to independent initiatives – the transnational organization European Alternatives is organizing Terzo tempo / Overtime, a dual project composed of a day of debate and action around the idea of Europe and a map illustrated by the artist Marco Raparelli and dedicated to 10 years of social movements in Europe.

Some of the most interesting voices in politics and art will be discussing central issues such as democracy, equality and culture:

Ken Loach, Ulrike Guerot, Marcelo Exposito, Tania Bruguera, Niccolò Milanese, Maria Hlavajova, Hou Hanru, Cesare Pietroiusti, Jonas Staal, Barbara Spinelli.

The day will also be punctuated by the performative actions of Kinkaleri and Stalker with No Working.

The debate will be followed at 7:30 PM by the presentation and screening in the MAXXI Auditorium of the film Io, Daniel Blake, 2016, by Ken Loach, Palme d’or at the Cannes Film Festival, in partnership with DiEM Voice. Ken Loach will be participating together with Berardo Carboni and Danae Stratou.


H 12.00
AuditoriumArte – Auditorium Parco della Musica
Xeneide. Il Dono dell’Altro – Eur(h)ope, Let’s Dance All together!
An action from Auditorium Parco della Musica to the MAXXI piazza by Stalker and No Working

H 15.00
Sala Guido Reni – MAXXI
Welcome and introduction

H 15.30
Ken Loach director
Ulrike Guerot Professor of European Policy and the Study of Democracy at the Danube University Krems and board member of European Alternatives,
Tania Bruguera artist
Marcelo Exposito artist and vice-president of the Spanish Parliament
Niccolò Milanese Director of European Alternatives

H 16.45
Perfomance Kinkaleri, All!

H 17.15
Maria Hlavajova Museo BAK Director, Utrecht
Hou Hanru MAXXI artistic director
Cesare Pietroiusti artist
Jonas Staal artist
Barbara Spinelli Member of the European Parliament in the GUE / NGL Group

H 19.15
Perfomance Kinkaleri, Trrrrr 


other events of the EuropeanAlternatives/Overtime cycle