Thursday 2 July 2020 ore 19:00 - 20:00

Summer at MAXXI. CinemaTuri Ferro – L’ultimo prospero

MAXXI auditorium – free entrance until full capacity
5 individual seats reserved and free for myMAXXI cardholders writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event

The kind audience is invited to arrive before the start time of the screening in order to facilitate the necessary entry procedures implemented in compliance with the anti-Covid security regulations.

Turi Ferro, a giant of prose, TV and cinema, is remembered through unpublished, precious materials, between the dressing room and the proscenium, rehearsal work and rebukes to the prompter.

In a succession of memories, in the often vibrant account of collaborators and family members, this documentary, presented at the 2019 Film Festival, retraces the life, art and secrets of one of the greatest interpreters and minds that Italian theatre and cinema have ever known.

by Daniele Gonciaruk, Italia 2019, 84’

Cinema at MAXXI is produced by Fondazione Cinema per Roma CityFest, Fondazione MAXXI and Alice nella Città

other events of the Estate al MAXXI 2020 cycle