Thursday 1 January 1970

Inauguration of the New Educational Department Pavilion

Saturday 24 November, 15.30-18.00
MAXXI Piazza – free entrance (space is limited)

In occasion of the inauguration of the new space for educational activities in the Museum’s plaza, the Dipartimento educazione is organising a free family workshop for two hundred participants (on a first-come basis).
During the workshop children and adults can work together to creatively re-imagine the Museum’s outdoor plaza using cut-outs of the pavilion, benches, trees and people, producing an architectural model they can take home at the end of the day.

Presentation of the Pavilion and Upcoming Educational Activities

Margherita Guccione, Director MAXXI Architettura
Stefania Vannini, Manager of the Dipartimento educazione
Federico Pella, Architect of the project to convert the nuEvo structure for its new use