Wednesday 25 March 2015

Focus. The Fosse Ardeatine Mausoleum

Wednesday 25 March, 17.30
MAXXI Auditorium – admittance free

On the occasion of the anniversary of the Fosse Ardeatine massacre, MAXXI is devoting a focus to the project for the Monument to the Martyrs of the Fosse Ardeatine (by Giuseppe Perugini, Nello Aprile and Mario Fiorentino, sculptures by Mirko Basaldella and Francesco Coccia) the model in bronze of which is on show to the public for the first time in the exhibition Architettura in Uniforme.

Introduced by
Margherita Guccione Director MAXXI Architettura

Francesca R. Castelli
Claudia Conforti
Antonella Greco
Raynaldo Perugini
Rosalia Vittorini

Monument to the martyrs of the Fosse Ardeatine
In 1947, following a two-stage competition, the two groups known as “Risorgere” (Nello Aprile, Cino Calcaprina, Aldo Cardelli, Mario Fiorentino with Francesco Coccia) and “U.G.A.” (Giuseppe Perugini with Uga de Plaisant and Mirko Basaldella), were declared winners ex aequo and their collaboration was to give rise to a project of unprecedented iconographical and iconological clarity.

Students of Architecture from La Sapienza University, Rome, participating in event will be awarded a course credit.