Enrico del Debbio, Studio per un bar pasticceria, Archivio Enrico del Debbio, Collezione MAXXI Architettura
Sunday 21 May 2017 ore 12:00 - 13:30

Free guided tour.From the Collection to Interiors

Free guided tour courtesy of Groupama Assicurazioni
on purchase of a museum entrance ticket

A guided tour of the permanent collection and the exhibition Interiors. The Rooms of Everyday Life

Starting out from the new hang of the permanent collection in the exhibition Collezione MAXXI. The Place To Be, the guided tour continues with an exploration of the exhibition Interiors. The Rooms of Everyday Life.

We advise you book by 1:00 PM on the preceding Friday by writing to edumaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it
or directly at the museum infopoint up to half an hour before the start of the tour (subject to availability of places)

other events of the Visite Guidate Groupama 2017 cycle