Mario Sasso, sigla Rai, 1984. Courtesy dell’artista
Wednesday 6 February 2019 ore 18:30 - 20:00

Books at MAXXIAll’alba dell’arte digitale. Il Festival Arte Elettronica di Camerino

Lobby / Archive Wall – admission free subject to availability of places

A festival that has played a fundamental role in the relationship between the visual arts and new technologies

A centre of international interest, for many artists the Camerino Festival of Electronic Art (1983-1990) represented an opportunity to get their research seen. Subdivided into sections on computer art, video art and film, exhibitions and seminars, concerts, conferences and round table dedicated to new technological devices and debate over the impact of synthesizer technology on creativity and critical reflection.

The book All’alba dell’arte digitale is the first historical-critical work examining an event that has never previously been investigated and offers an overview of the thinking on the experience and the debate relating to the relationship between the visual arts and digital instruments within the cultural context of the 1980s and to the multi-faceted heritage in the field of the contemporary digital image and the Italian art scene.
The essays, largely based on archive research, are followed by eye-witness accounts by the protagonists and a selection of documents.

Introduced by
Giulia Pedace MAXXI Ricerca

Silvia Bordini editor of the book
Francesca Gallo editor of the book
Silvia Moretti writer, Poetronicart project manager
Assunta Porciani head of the Rome Quadriennale Archive Library

In collaboration with Sapienza University, Rome