
Corbellini, Giovanni

Giovanni Corbellini is an architect and architectural critic. A former professor with the Faculty of Architecture in Ferrara, he now teaches with the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Trieste.
The author of numerous articles on contemporary urbanism and architecture, since 2003 he is a regular contributor to the online magazine Arch-it.
His published work includes: Piccoli progetti (1990, with Francesco Tentori and Giancarlo Carnevale); Uniformità e variazione. Lo spazio urbano nei quartieri contemporanei (1990); 1984-1998 Una linea di ricerca Iuav (1999, with Francesco Tentori); Grande e veloce. Strumenti compositivi nei contesti contemporanei (2000); Architettura in montagna. Gino Valle in Carnia (2005, with Alessandro Rocca, edited by Elena Carlini); Ex libris. 16 parole chiave dell’architettura contemporanea (2007); Bioreboot. L’architettura di R&Sie(n) (2010) and Le pillole del dott. Corbellini. Consigli agli studenti di architettura (2010).